Download Your Emotional Intelligence Toolbox
Free activities, science-backed frameworks, and extended resources to train your emotional intelligence

What’s Inside

  • Activities to practice emotional intelligence on your own
  • Science-backed EI frameworks like the RULER framework and the Blueprint, developed by Marc Brackett, founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and author of Permission to Feel
  • Guiding visualizations, such as the traffic light technique
  • links to resources, e.g. from nonviolent communication

Besides cognitive and somatic intelligence, all of us human beings have emotional intelligence. We all have access to it, and we can access it all the time.

Fabienne Cuisinier
Integral and Leadership Embodiment Coach at Start Where You Are

Emotional intelligence is a learnable skill that is highly relevant for leadership, as we and three of our coaches discussed in this article. “All current (scientific) research comes up with the same result that EI is one of the top qualities for good leadership in today’s and future workplaces”, says coach Ellen Herb. “For all of us, emotions play a key role in our behavior and these shape how we show up with others, significantly influencing our choices, decisions, actions in ways that we may tend to underestimate”, adds coach Ira Morris. And, as coach Fabienne Cuisinier puts the good news: “Besides cognitive and somatic intelligence, all of us human beings have emotional intelligence. We all have access to it, and we can access it all the time.”


However, this doesn’t mean that our emotional intelligence is just there – like anything in life, we have to practice it, and be willing to learn. While it seems that for some people, dealing with emotions is easier, it for sure is a lifelong learning process for anyone.


Luckily, coaches Fabienne Cuisinier, Ellen Herb, Ira Morris, and also Sandro da Silva have shared their resources which they use not only in coachings with clients, but also to train their own emotional intelligence. We gathered them in this free PDF for you.

A teaser image of the emotional intelligence toolbox, showing parts of the content

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Download your Emotional Intelligence Toolbox for free here


Happy practice!